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Red Duck Brewery

Alfredton, Victoria, 3350

About Red Duck Brewery

Founded on the shores of Lake Purrumbete in 2005 by Scott and Vanessa Wilson-Browne, Red Duck came from the realisation that Australian beer lovers needed choice and quality returned to the pubs and shops. We have always brewed all natural beers, so you can enjoy purity, freshness and good health from the World’s most popular beverage.

Starting with second hand 600litre “geordies”, we re-engineered and built our own brewery. Our capacity is limited, the average brew length netts 510litres of beer, which makes us one of the smallest Micro-breweries in Australia.

We deliberately designed our brew house to make traditional ales, using as simple a process as possible. As practitioners of Real Craft brewing, we brew to strength for every batch, which means no dilution. We don’t use any additives or artificial chemicals, either to enhance the brew process, the beer or to make our brewing more efficient. Our beers are made from all grain: malt barley, malt wheat, unmalted wheat, and a range of other natural grains. The hops we use are just hops, not hop oils, extracts or derived products.

We really make a stand about brewing Real Craft beer, and for us the brewing has to be of the highest standard, all natural and traditional. There are no short cuts or cheap ways to make beer the way we do. It’s labour intensive, our ingredient costs are high and our overheads for small batch brewing are high. We don’t make cheap beer! What we strive for is to make World Class beers.


Follow Us
11A Michaels Dr
Alfredton, Victoria, 3350