www.beertoken.com - BeerToken.com

Get BEER Token

On XRP Ledger Network

Get BEER Token on the XRP Ledger. Connect the trustline and join the whitelist.


XRP BEER Token Profile

BEER Token is an asset on the XRPL Network, that can be traded, transferred, sent and swapped with other XRPL Tokens, between XRPL users. 

The issuing account has been locked, no more tokens can be issued.

Token symbol: BEER

Token name: BEER Token

Total supply: 5,000,000,000 BEER

Issuing account: 


Token code:



KYC Verified on XUMM

BEER Token on XRPScan


As an asset on the XRP Ledger, BEER Token can be bought, sold, and traded with other XRP tokens on XRP compatible web wallets and exchanges.

XUMM App XRP Wallet

XUMM is a non custodial client (wallet) for the XRP Ledger, with superpowers. Download the XUMM App and get started on the XRPL today.

To activate the XUMM wallet, you will need a minimum of 10 XRP, and then additional 2 XRP for each asset trustline you add.

Get XUMM Wallet

BEER Trustline on XRPL Services

Endorsed by XRPL Labs, the creators of XUMM App, XRPL Services is a platform that provides a useful set of tools that make it easy to interact with the XRP Ledger.

Add BEER Trustline on XRPL Services

1. Download and install XUMM Wallet App

2. Follow the steps in the app and create a XUMM account

3. Send XRP to your XUMM Wallet from your Ledger, Trezor or crypto exchange, (10 XRP is required for the activation of your wallet, and 2 XRP for the BEER trustline) 

4. Go to xrpl.services and sign in with XUMM 

5. Click Connect BEER Trustline via XRPL Services below to open it

6. Click the Confirm button on the XRPL Services page

7. Open the XUMM App and scan the QR Code that appears on the XRPL Services page to sign the request.

Connect BEER Trustline via XRPL Services

Buy, Sell, Trade and Send BEER on SOLOGENIC


SOLO DEX is a decentralized wallet and exchange for trading, swapping assets and NFT's on the XRP Ledger.

Buy, Sell and Trade BEER on SOLO DEX

1. Click the link  below to go to the BEER / XLM pair page on the SOLO Dex

2. On the SOLO DEX Page, Click the wallet icon in the top right of the window to connect a compatible wallet like XUMM, or create a new SOLO Wallet

3. Fund the wallet with XRP.

4. Now you are ready to Buy, Sell and Trade BEER



1. Download the mobile app.

2. Create a SOLO DEX Wallet

3. Click on DEX in the bottom nav menu

4. Click on + Custom Pair, then click on Select a Base, then select other

5. Enter BEER issuer address: rJSPpLt2tjxaVTaKVBrCPn3Lj8TWZ4y6CY and select BEER

6. Click on "Select a Quote", and click "XRP", then click on "Create Pair"

7. Favorite the custom BEER / XRP pair to create a menu shortcut


XRP Toolkit is a client-side interface helping you interact with the XRP Ledger and its on-ledger decentralized exchange via compatible XRPL wallets like XUMM. On XRP Toolkit, transfers are peer-to-peer and you trade directly with other traders. There's no one in the middle.

GET BEER on XRPToolkit

1. Download and install XUMM wallet app

2. Create a XUMM account

3. Deposit XRP in your XUMM wallet (10 XRP for the activation of your wallet, and 2 XRP to add the BEER trustline) 

4. Connect your XUMM wallet to the BEER Trustline address

5. Visit XRPToolkit, click on “Get started” –> “Connect Wallet” Under “Select wallet type” click on “Xumm App” click on “Open XUMM” Slide to accept XRPToolkit, and tap the “Close” button after it completes.

6. Click the “Trade” option on top of the screen, tap “XRP-USD” (this is the trading pair) Click on “Switch”.

– Change the base to BEER

-Click anywhere to get the currency pair window to disappear

-From here you can place buy limits or buy at the current market price. If buying at the current market price fails, so you will have to set a ‘insta-fill’ 

Visit xrptoolkit.com